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Content Expert Application

Applications must be submitted by 5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 3.

In 2020, the System announced a network of content experts to provide support to UL System faculty and staff in areas that align with the System’s strategic framework. A new cohort of higher education subject matter experts is being sought to serve a yearlong term from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2022. The deadline to apply is Dec. 3. Information and resources from current Content Experts are located here.

Mental Health

College mental health services play a critical role in promoting healthy and safe college communities and campuses. Having robust services available improves student retention and, thus, good services make good economic sense. The UL System Mental Health Content Expert must provide leadership to advance the System’s response to issues of mental health; help to strengthen system-wide mental health resources and support for faculty, staff and students; and promote health coping strategies and provide equitable strategies to shore up mental health services across the UL System.


Online Teaching and Learning

The CV19 pandemic has and continues to reveal the breadth of higher education’s digital and technological divide. From an equity perspective, all faculty, staff, and students regardless of discipline, background, or experiences should have access to equitable teaching and learning environments. The UL System Online Teaching/Learning Content Expert would be responsible for enhancing the online learning infrastructure across the nine member institutions for students, faculty, and staff; providing equitable support solutions for all faculty (pedagogy and/or tech); and identifying and helping to implement support resources for faculty.


Financial Aid

One of the biggest barriers to degree completion is cost of attendance. So, it is important that students are armed with knowledge about financial aid opportunities designed to mitigate financial constraints. The UL System Financial Aid Content Expert will be charged with creating a network of financial aid professionals; developing system-wide programming to disseminate financial aid information that is user friendly; designing materials to serve as resources for faculty, staff and students; and tackling financial aid issues that affect student success, enrollment and retention.


Research and Grant Writing

Research is essential to the economic and social development of our globalized society and contributes to teaching and learning that takes place in the classroom. The ability to conduct research and to secure grants that help support initiatives is critical to the function of a university. Recognizing these facts, the UL System Grant Writing/Research Resources Content Expert will design and implement system-wide workshops and programming to improve grant writing skills; develop crowd-sourced resource and grant opportunities lists; identify state/federal/community resources that can be used by faculty, staff and students to apply for grants; and other initiatives focused on best practices.


Student Success

Creating the conditions that foster student success can sometimes feel like an overwhelming challenge for those accountable for student success outcomes. The UL System student success Content Expert would advance system-wide student success efforts through building a shared understanding of student success outcomes and developing a system-wide framework that builds capacity for equitable student success outcomes.



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