Dr. David Svaldi interviews to be MSU President
Apr 12, 2010 9:19 PM CDT
Updated:Apr 12, 2010 10:24 PM CDT
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LAKE CHARLES, LA (KPLC) – Dr. David Svaldi is the current president of Adams State College in Colorado. He said Colorado ranks 49 out 50 when it comes to state government support and funding for higher education, but despite that disadvantage he said he has managed to turn things around for Adams State.
“We literally had less than a million dollars in unbudgeted reserve. We convinced them that we could do that, and as of yesterday, before I left, we had almost ten million dollars in unbudgeted reserve. We have really turned the fortunes of the institution around,” said David Svaldi.
When asked what he thought were some of McNeese’s strong points, Dr. Svaldi highlighted the engineering department, the creative writing curriculums, and the athletic programs. But, he also said McNeese has some untapped opportunities to draw students in.
“I think there needs to be a partnership with other industry and businesses, and so forth, that surround the institution. I think sometimes you have to remind people the contribution that a college or a university makes,” said Dr. Svaldi.
After the committee interview, Dr. Svaldi talked to 7 News about how he thought it all went.
“I’m still standing,” Svaldi replied. “It’s quite the process. I have really enjoyed meeting all of the people and I have really been impressed by the hospitality, and the sincerity of the people of Louisiana. It’s truly a hospitable group.”
Below is a list of all the Candidates vying to be the next McNeese President. Click on their name to see a list of their qualifications and education experience.