Grambling Presidential Search Committee Invites Three for Final Interviews

Public Interviews March 25 in Baton Rouge; UL System Board Could Name New President the Next Day
GRAMBLING, La. – After two days of public interviews with candidates, the committee charged with selecting a new Grambling State University president invited three applicants to return to Louisiana next week for final interviews.
The committee extended invitations to the following candidates:
Melvin Johnson (D.B.A., Indiana University); Provost and Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, Winston-Salem State University
Horace Judson (Ph.D., Cornell University); Senior Fellow, American Association of State Colleges and Universities; former president, Plattsburgh State University
Rodney Smith (Ed.D., Harvard University); President and Chief Executive Officer, Ramapo College of New Jersey
The candidates will sit for public interviews March 25 in Baton Rouge. The Board of Supervisors for the University of Louisiana System, which is charged with naming its university presidents, could announce its decision March 26 during its regular meeting.
The three candidates were among eight scheduled to interview for the position over two days on the Grambling campus. Auburn University Associate Provost and Vice President for University Outreach David Wilson withdrew prior to his interview, and University of District of Columbia President William Pollard interviewed but withdrew prior to the committee decision.
“We are fortunate to have had so many excellent candidates. It speaks well of Grambling that we were able to attract so many quality leaders to the process,” UL System President Sally Clausen said.
The eight candidates were part of a pool of 49 leaders of higher education and business who applied for the Grambling presidency in response to a national search. Acting President Neari Warner announced earlier this year that she would retire rather than seek the permanent presidency.
For more information about the candidates, visit the UL System website at Click on the GSU search “more info” icon and then on “presidential candidates.”