La.’s University and PreK-12 Systems Partner for Comprehensive Clinic on Teacher Quality

La.’s University and PreK-12 Systems Partner for Comprehensive Clinic on Teacher Quality – Aug 19, 2002

Louisiana’s entire education community will meet Sept. 5-6 in Baton Rouge for a hands-on training to help universities meet tough, new standards designed to produce more, high-quality teachers, Dr. Sally Clausen, president of the University of Louisiana System, announced today.

The UL System initiated the “NCATE 2000 Clinic” in partnership with the Board of Regents, Louisiana State University System, Southern University System, Louisiana Community and Technical College System, Louisiana Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, Department of Education, and Board of Elementary and Secondary Education.

“The teaching profession makes all other professions possible, and we are in the business of training teachers,” said Dr. Clausen. “We simply need more teachers, and they need to know that we appreciate all that they do for students.”

She said the clinic is the first in Louisiana and one of the first in the nation. She said the clinic is timely to help tie Louisiana’s teacher preparation initiatives and recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Teacher Quality with national initiatives, including President’s Bush’s “Leave No Child Behind.”

Dr. Clausen said the clinic is designed to 1) ensure that recently redesigned teacher preparation programs meet new national standards, 2) provide opportunities for national accreditation consultants to work directly with universities to plan for upcoming site visits, and 3) ensure that Louisiana is at the forefront in placing quality, caring teachers in every classroom.

“Our goal is to guarantee that every child in Louisiana has a motivated, high-quality teacher who knows the subject matter, presents it effectively to each student in the class and infuses technology to raise student achievement,” said Dr. Clausen who has personally led the charge for teacher education redesign in her System.

Last spring, Dr. Clausen visited the eight ULS colleges of education and addressed their faculty, staff and students about teacher quality, program redesign, and new accreditation standards. She also visited student teachers in their PreK-12 classrooms statewide to observe their fieldwork.

The two-day clinic at the Claiborne Building will feature presentations by national experts on teacher quality and the standards adopted in 2000 by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). The U.S. Department of Education recognizes NCATE as the professional accrediting body for teacher preparation in the United States.

Those national experts, topics and presentation dates/times include:
•Dr. Donna Gollnick, NCATE senior vice president, “The Power of Title II Report Card Data: Unraveling the USDOE ecommendations to NCATE,” Sept. 5, 9 a.m.
•Dr. Susan Sclafani, counselor to the U.S. Secretary of Education, “Teacher Quality as a National Priority,” Sept. 5, 12:30 p.m.
•Dr. Antoinette Mitchell, NCATE associate vice president, “Assessment of NCATE 2000: What NCATE Has Learned from Pilot and Other Early Site Visits of institutions,” Sept. 5, 1:45 p.m.
•Kati Haycock, director of The Education Trust, “Good Teaching Matters … A Lot,” Sept. 6, 12:30 p.m.

Dr. Loren Blanchard, ULS assistant vice president for accreditation and accountability, who also serves as an NCATE examiner, said the clinic is designed to help the universities prepare for NCATE visits under the more stringent, performance-based standards. The clinic will feature several panel discussions and workshops by NCATE representatives and university officials who have been involved in accreditation visits on their campuses.

Arthur Wise, NCATE president, said the new standards represent “a revolution in teacher preparation,” noting that it’s no longer enough for a faculty member to present the material. “Performance-based accreditation is based on results—results that demonstrate that the teacher candidate knows the subject matter and can teach it effectively in a real classroom. The universities must provide credible evidence that their colleges of education achieve this goal.”

To become accredited, a college of education must submit a self-study that describes how they meet the standards. An on-site visiting team examines the education unit and assesses its strengths and weaknesses in relation to the standards. Prior to the campus visit, the university prepares information on how it meets subject matter standards. NCATE’s Unit Accreditation Board makes a final accreditation decision.

Following is NCATE’s schedule of visits to Louisiana universities:
Fall 2002 Southern University – New Orleans (SUNO) and Southeastern Louisiana University
Spring 2003 Grambling State University and Xavier University
Fall 2003 Dillard University, Loyola University and Nicholls State University
Spring 2004 Louisiana State University – Shreveport, Louisiana Tech University and Southern University – Baton Rouge
Fall 2004 Louisiana College, Louisiana State University – Baton Rouge, McNeese State University, Northwestern State University, Our Lady of Holy Cross, University of Louisiana at Lafayette and University of Louisiana at Monroe
Spring 2005 Centenary College and the University of New Orleans

Summary of NCATE Accreditation Standards (additional details available at

Standard 1: Candidate knowledge, skills and disposition Teachers must know the subject matter they plan to teach and how to teach it effectively. Universities must provide compelling evidence that teacher candidates can teach so that students learn and that teacher candidates know how to use technology to facilitate teaching and learning.

Standard 2: Assessment and evaluation Universities must design and implement an assessment system that collects and analyzes data about applicant qualifications and candidate and graduate performance. Also, the universities must use that information to evaluate their programs.

Standard 3: Field experiences and clinical practice The colleges of education must enter into a partnership with the PreK-12 schools where their teacher candidates undergo carefully supervised practical experience. During the clinical portion of preparation, teacher candidates receive extensive and ongoing evaluation of their knowledge and skills.

Standard 4: Diversity The colleges of education must provide curricula and experiences that help candidates develop the knowledge and skills necessary to help all students learn.

Standard 5: Faculty qualifications, performance and development University faculty must be well qualified and must model the teaching practices they expect teacher candidates to demonstrate.

Standard 6: Resources and governance Colleges of education must have the resources to support the programs they choose to offer.

For More Information Contact:
Catherine Heitman