LETTER: Committee wants feedback on McNeese search

Published by the American Press

    The single most important job entrusted to the Board of Supervisors for the University of Louisiana System is the selection of a university president. It is not something I take lightly, nor do my fellow board members. In fact, I feel it an honor to serve on the McNeese State University Presidential Search Committee.

    I am proud of the work undertaken by the search committee thus far. In selecting the semi-finalists, our committee carefully considered the comments made during the public forum on campus in February. We chose four outstanding candidates who represent a combined 42 years of top-level higher education administrative service. They are diverse in background, geographic location and academic expertise.

    Our board’s presidential search process is such that now we will devote an entire week on the McNeese campus getting to know the candidates, sitting in on meetings, talking to the campus community and soliciting as much feedback as possible in order to make the bestinformed decisions. Yes, it would be easier to conduct candidate interviews in Baton Rouge, but it would not serve the best interests of the university.

    As board members we volunteer our time, engaging in countless hours of research, discussion and review of items outside of meetings. I am relatively new to our board and have quickly learned from longserving, dedicated board members like Carl Shetler. His dedication to McNeese and the Lake Charles area cannot be denied. It is unfortunate that comments he made during a presidential search meeting could be interpreted as anything other than an intense desire to find the best president for a university he holds so dear. And, while he may have a certain perspective on what he believes that position should embody, members of our board and the search committee are decidedly independent thinkers. Now, we ask the public to do its part. Please review the candidate applications, attend campus meetings, submit interview questions for the candidates and, most importantly, provide us your feedback either in person while we are on campus or via email at McNeesePresidential Search@uls.state.la.us. Together, we can find the best leader for McNeese State University.


Russell Mosely

Member, University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors

Member, McNeese State University Presidential Search Committee