LETTER: Writer speaks to Gov. Jindal


Gov. Bobby Jindal:

Education is a vital aspect of every society. From the onset of middle school, family, teachers and school counselors were positioning us students to move from high school and transition to a higher education institution. These academic institutions are a necessity to our state. The students that these institutions attract are important to the local and state economy. It would be detrimental to our state if these students left to pursue their degrees elsewhere.

Over the course of your administration, Louisiana higher education institutions have experienced budget cuts of 80 percent. Those cuts transfer a little burden onto students. As higher education becomes more expensive, prospective students will look elsewhere, particularly outside of the state. Along with these budget cuts, institutions are not as effective in catering to the needs of students by requiring these institutions to make nonsensical cuts.

As a student at Louisiana Tech University, I demand answers to a few questions. Why do you want to see Louisiana higher education institutions and their students fail? Why do you want to dissuade prospective students from attending Louisiana institutions? Why do you want to stall research in academia?

I hope your mind can be changed.

Nicholas C. Smith,