University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors Chair Liz Pierre is announcing the University of New Orleans Presidential Search Committee. The group is responsible for reviewing applications, interviewing candidates, and recommending finalists for the presidency. The finalists will ultimately be interviewed and a president selected by the full UL System Board of Supervisors.
“As a board, we look forward to serving with the University of New Orleans community members who have agreed to volunteer their time to this search committee,” Chair Pierre said. “Choosing university presidents is the most important work we do, and we are eager begin the process to select UNO’s next leader,” Chair Pierre said.
UL System President and CEO Jim Henderson will chair the committee as a non-voting member. The committee includes select System Board members and the UNO Faculty Senate president as voting members as well as non-voting community members to serve in an advisory capacity.
“This search process works because of the engagement of the committee, the Board of Supervisors, and the UNO community all working together to find the University of New Orleans’ next president,” Dr. Henderson said. “I encourage the public to participate by attending public meetings and submitting feedback through the search website to inform the committee and Board at each step of the process.”
The committee’s first meeting is public and will take place May 16 at 10 a.m. on UNO’s campus in the second floor ballroom of the Homer L. Hitt Alumni Visitors Center and will be streamed live on the UL System YouTube Channel. During that meeting, the committee will vote to accept their charge and the search timeline after hearing desired leadership qualities from the university’s constituencies. Information regarding the search will be housed on the System’s website at ulsystem.edu/uno-presidential-search.
The Presidential Search Committee is made up of the following members:
- Dr. Jim Henderson, Search Committee Chair and UL System President, non-voting
- Liz Pierre, UL System Board Chair
- Dr. Jimmy Clarke, UL System Board Vice Chair
- Brad Stevens, UL System Board Parliamentarian
- Jo Lethermon, UL System Board Member
- Al Perkins, UL System Board Member
- Dana Peterson, UL System Board Member
- Virgil Robinson, UL System Board Member
- Mark Romero, UL System Board Member
- Julie Stokes, UL System Board Member
- UL System Student Board Member
- Chris Broadhurst, UNO Faculty Senate President
- Ricky Burke, UNO Alumni Association Chair, non-voting
- Bill Chauvin, UNO Foundation Chair, non-voting
- Susan Hess, Community Representative, non-voting
- Bivian “Sonny” Lee, Community Representative, non-voting
- Becky Mackie, Community Representative, non-voting
- Judy Reese Morse, Community Representative, non-voting
- Bobby Savoie, Community Representative, non-voting
- Gary Solomon, Community Representative, non-voting
- Dr. Tammi Griffin-Major, Community Representative, non-voting
- UNO SGA President, non-voting
Dr. John Nicklow has served in the University of New Orleans’ top post since March 2016 after a year as the institution’s provost and vice president for academic affairs. Dr. Nicklow was named the president of Florida Institute of Technology and will assume that position on July 1.