The University of New Orleans Presidential Search Committee selected five semifinalists to interview for the school’s top post.
“I am pleased with the depth of talent and breadth of experience among our applicants,” Committee Chair and System President Jim Henderson said. “The thoughtful, diligent work of the search committee members and the robust engagement of the university community at large reflect an ardent commitment to find the right leader for the state’s only public urban research university.”
The semifinalists are:
The committee will interview the semifinalists on UNO’s campus the week of Aug. 28 with opportunities for student and campus community involvement. The next UNO president will be selected by the full Board of Supervisors for the University of Louisiana System at a special meeting Sept. 14.
Chairing the UNO Presidential Search Committee is UL System President and CEO Jim Henderson as a non-voting member. Voting members are UNO Faculty Senate President Chris Broadhurst and UL System Board Members Elizabeth Pierre, Jimmy Clarke, Brad Stevens, Jo Lethermon, Al Perkins, Dana Peterson, Virgil Robinson, Mark Romero, Julie Stokes, and student member Bailey Willis.
Non-voting members are UNO Alumni Association Chair Ricky Burke, UNO Foundation Chair Bill Chauvin, UNO SGA President Brendan Mott, and Community Representatives Susan Hess, Bivian “Sonny” Lee, Becky Mackie, Judy Reese Morse, Bobby Savoie, Gary Solomon, and Tammi Griffin-Major.
All information regarding the search, including a video of today’s meeting, is posted at